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Success in International Photography Competition

Denbigh student recognised in the Royal Society of Biology’s International Photography Competition

Hayden Wood a Year 11 student is celebrating his success in the prestigious Royal Society of Biology International Photography Competition. Hayden’s photo entitled ‘Watering Hole Antics’ was Highly Commended by the judges in the ‘Young Photographer of the Year’ category.

The Royal Society’s Photography Competition is an annual event which this year attracted 1600 entries from amateur photographers across the world. The theme was ‘Interconnected’, highlighting the ongoing struggle for survival in nature and the collaborations that take place to ease that struggle every day. The 12 winners were announced during Biology Week 2021 and included Hayden’s photo which was taken in Kenya and featured a pair of Grevy zebras drinking from a watering hole. Hayden’s success has been reported on by the BBC, national and local newspapers and science journals.