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Social Sciences

Contact Information  
Ms L Donohue – Ms J Kaur –
Mrs H Rowe – Miss S Pillay –
Mr P Gannaway – Mrs M Obeata –
Miss E Roche –  

Faculty Introduction 

The Social Sciences Faculty includes the subjects of Citizenship, Child Development, Health & Social Care, Psychology and Sociology.  We are made up of nine teachers with staff specialising in one or more of the subjects we offer.  Our aim is to instil in students following our courses a thirst for self-knowledge and self-improvement by studying societies, looking at the relationships people in these societies form and how we as human beings can contribute positively to our society.  

Offered as GCSE options which start in Year 9, are Health and Social Care, Psychology and Sociology, taught in 2 hours each per week across three years and which are examined in Year 11.  Child Development is another option that can be taken from Year 10 and is taught in 3 hours per week over 2 years.  Both Health and Social Care and Child Development offer students practical, work-based skills which would enable students to continue their studies in Sixth Form or college or apply these skills in the relevant area when seeking employment after formal education. Citizenship is taught to all students in Year 9, and it is where we explore what it means to be a good citizen by being aware of your individual responsibilities within your community and the wider society, the importance of human rights, the processes of UK governance, as well as developing your ability to make judgements and develop well-reasoned arguments. Students can continue to study Health and Social Care, Psychology and Sociology at A-Level.

We also aim to encourage students to look beyond themselves to improve themselves. Therefore, we offer opportunities for extra-curricular development such as essay competitions, wider school and community projects and chances for students to hear from the key thinkers themselves within the subject disciplines.

Many students who study these subjects at Denbigh pursue them further in higher education with many students going on to study disciplines such as Psychology, Medicine, International Relations, Criminology amongst others.  We strongly emphasise and encourage critical thinking, self-reflection, inclusion and tolerance and aim to develop in our learners a sense of curiosity about the world around us which will create that drive to build a better community and society.

Schemes of Learning

Each faculty has developed a Scheme of Learning for each subject and year group. The Schemes of Learning outline the curriculum journey that students will embark on each academic year.


Useful Website (Psychology)

GCSE Specification


Useful Websites (Sociology)

Health & Social Care

Child Development

Faculty Assessment & Feedback Policy

Please find a copy of the Faculty Assessment and Feedback policy below. Teachers in the faculty subject areas will follow this policy when assessing students learning and providing feedback.