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Student Lockers

Denbigh School offers you the opportunity to hire a locker for your son or daughter. A non-refundable hire fee of £12 is charged and students will retain the same locker throughout Years 7-11.

If you wish to purchase a locker, payment should be made via ParentMail>shop, we will then contact students with their locker number and combination code for their padlock.

Sixth Form lockers are also available for a non-refundable hire fee of £12 by making a payment via ParentMail>shop. For Denbigh students who leave Year 11 who had a locker in years 7-11 and return to sixth form, they will have the opportunity to request a new locker free of charge in the sixth form area. Returning students will need to email to request a locker. 

If your son/daughter wishes to hire a locker, please pay via ParentMail>shop. Lockers are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis and are hired on the following conditions:

  • The hire charge is paid in advance.
  • The student takes responsibility for keeping their lockers clean, removing uneaten food, dirty PE Kits etc. and reporting any repairs/issues to
  • If your child has received a locker and it is not suitable for them, please email and we will do our best to change this, students should NOT swap lockers between each other or share their combination code with anyone.
  • Only padlocks supplied by Denbigh can be used.

If, during a routine inspection damage to the locker is found; an additional charge will be invoiced to the student. Replacement locks are available at a charge of £5 per key/lock, paid via ParentMail.