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Donations for Humanitarian effort in Ukraine

As the crisis in Ukraine evolves, we have set up opportunities for our staff, students, and their families to help with the humanitarian effort.  We are offering two options for those wanting to help.  Money can be donated via ParentMail to the Red Cross who will use all the proceeds to help those affected by the conflict.  Details of how to make a payment were sent out via parentmail on 10th March and will stay open until Thursday 17th March.   

We have also teamed up with our colleagues and families at Shenley Brook End School and the logistics and transport company DSV Milton Keynes to act as a collection point for anyone wanting to donate items for those most in need.  DSV has agreed to use its European haulage network to transport aid to refugee camps in countries where it has depots, including Poland and Ukraine.  Anyone wishing to donate should bring items (from the list below) to the School’s reception area and place them in the trolley labelled for collection.  The items most in need are:

  • Blankets, sleeping bags, duvets, fleeces, warm coats (these should be clean and ready to be used straight away)
  • Long life food products like pasta, rice, canned food etc. 
  • Nappies, wet wipes, nappy cream, etc. 
  • Baby powder milk, baby/toddler food, bottles etc. 
  • Tissues, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, sanitary products etc. 
  • First aid items; bandages, plasters, sterile water etc. 

Andrea Frame, Head of School said: ‘It is easy to feel powerless when hearing news of the conflict in Ukraine, so we wanted to offer our school community the opportunity to make a practical contribution to the humanitarian effort.  Both our schemes are open until Thursday 17th March, and we have already been overwhelmed with donations.  We have raised over £1,500 and received hundreds of items ready to be delivered directly to refugees by DSV.  I never doubt the kindness and generosity of our school community and once again they have shown how much they care and want to help others in need.’