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Lucy Hawthorne School Citizenship Award Winner 2022  

Our prestigious school community prize, The Lucy Hawthorne Citizenship Award was awarded to Jennifer Brown by Lucy’s father, Bruce Hawthorne at our recent Celebration of Success Ceremony. 

Lucy was a student with us for a few short years, from 2003 through to 2007 when she sadly passed away.  During that time, she made a real impact on the school with her infectious smile and her boundless energy and enthusiasm for anything related to the wider life of the School, especially citizenship.  It is this type of commitment and enthusiasm that is recognised by this Award. 

During her time at Denbigh, Jennifer, who has just completed Year 13, has made a huge contribution to the wider life of the school.  She was an enthusiastic participant in all manner of school activities.  As a talented sports woman, she represented the school in Netball and Rounders and achieved full colours for both.   She was a leading member of the School Council, serving as Chair in 2019 – 2020.  Moving into the Sixth Form, Jennifer continued to embrace all the opportunities the school offers, including being a key member of the Sixth Form Committee.  Jennifer is very much a team player, whether that be in class or within the wider student body.  She is a student with a keen social conscience and is keenly aware of the challenges other people face.  Jennifer is always confident enough to share her opinions and contribute to discussions, whilst being able to understand and work closely with those who hold opposing views to herself.  This is a vital life skill, much needed in today’s world and one that embodies the spirit of this Award.