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Talented Scientist Wins Inaugural Andy Squires Science Award

Tanishka Birdavade, a talented scientist who has just completed Year 13, is the winner of the inaugural ‘Andy Squires Science Award’. This new award which was funded by Councillor Zoe Nolan, the Cabinet Member for Children and Families at MK Council, is given in memory of Andy Squires, the CEO of the Denbigh Alliance Trust, and former Head of Denbigh, who died in January of this year. The Award recognises a student who has demonstrated enthusiasm and excellence in Science. Tanishka received her award from Marie Denny, Head of Education at Milton Keynes Council at our recent Celebration of Success Ceremony.

Tanishka was chosen for the award because she was a bright, enthusiastic and inquisitive learner who was a delight to teach. She liked to stretch herself and was a regular participant at our after-school science sessions, in addition to her timetabled science lessons. Her chosen A Level subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths was a demanding combination, but her hard work and determination paid off when she achieved A*s and As in all these subjects. This was a quite remarkable achievement that allowed her to secure a place at the prestigious University College London where she will be studying Physics. We wish her all the very best for the future.