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Student Voice

Denbigh School has a strong tradition of student voice of which we are very proud. Students can get involved in student voice activities in Year 7, or at any stage during their time at Denbigh School. The main elements of our student voice programme are the House and School Councils, however, there are many opportunities for students to get involved.

We have five House Councils and a School Council. Students will be asked to nominate themselves for the House Council in the first term at Denbigh. Students then write a manifesto, supported by the Year Presidents, and then students vote for the candidates. The House Councils are lead by House Presidents and Vice Presidents who are drawn from our Sixth Form students and our staff House Champions, one for each House.

Students in the House Councils can be voted on to the School Council. Alternatively, students can also apply to be on the School Council by entering a proposal to address an issue that the Student Council has put forward to the general student population.

The House Councils meet weekly, and the School Council meet twice a week. They complete their own whole school project, support charities, run competitions and present assemblies, among other activities.

Another aspect of student voice is our Satellite Groups. These groups represent students’ interests in a particular area such as Eco Schools, Youth Sacre, Race Awareness group, among many others. These are open for students to join and give them the opportunity to make a difference in an area they are passionate about alongside like-minded students.