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Debate Team tackle who should set Education Policy 

Our Sixth Form Debate Team excelled in the recent English-Speaking Union Schools’ Mace Debate, taking on rival teams to debate the issue of who should set Education Policy – politicians or educational experts.

Our team put hours into researching and preparing their arguments in preparation for competing in this, the oldest and largest school debate competition.  They performed really well on the day, winning one of their two debates.  They were only scheduled to take part in one debate but when a school dropped out of the competition at the last minute, our team volunteered to stand in and take on another debate.  They had only 40 minutes to prepare for the second debate but still beat their opponents who had had four weeks to prepare!

Unfortunately, they did not progress through to the next round of the competition, but they were wonderful representatives of our school.

Our team of skilled debaters were:

Liberty Abbott (Year 13), Joshua Fayoyin (Year 13), Jemima Hrycak (Year 12), Kashvi Magodia (Year 12), Noah Read (Year 13), Jessica Tite (Year 12)