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Students design missiles with the Royal Navy

A group of Year 9 and 10 students took part in a careers workshop led by the Royal Navy focusing on developing our students’ teamworking and leadership skills and increasing their self-confidence in preparation for future academic study and employment.  The Workshop was led by members of the Navy’s Central & Eastern England Attract Team, and they told students about the Navy’s future plans and the roles available within the organisation.      

The Workshop included a presentation on submarines and missiles, relating to subjects including Maths, History, Geography and Physics.  The students were tasked with jobs undertaken by a Royal Navy Engineer and in teams designed and created a missile.   Once the missile was created and given a fitting name, the students were able to launch them and consider the effectiveness of their model.  Participating in this Workshop allowed students to cover several of the Gatsby Benchmarks, the national standards for careers education, and there was positive feedback about the session from both students and the Royal Navy leaders.