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Tackling Knife and Gang Crime in Enrichment Day

The dangers of knife and gang crime to young people was the focus of an event organised for Year 9 students as part of our enrichment day programme.  During the event students heard from people who have lost family members to gang and knife crime and organisations who work with young people to increase awareness and to give them skills to help themselves deal with dangerous situations.

The event was supported by Iain Stewart MP, the Mayor and Mayoress of Milton Keynes, Lauren Townsend (Cabinet Member for Community Safety on Milton Keynes City Council/Chair SaferMK) and Councillor Zoe Nolan (Loughton and Great Holm Parish, MK). 

During the day students participated in sessions led by:  

  • MILKfluencer (Byron Highton) – Byron’s brother Jon Jo was stabbed to death in Preston and he now campaigns to reduce knife crime with a three part programme called ‘The JJ Effect’.
  • Chris Donovan Trust (Ray and Vi Donovan MBE) – Ray and Vi’s son was brutally attacked and killed in South London by a group (recognised as a gang) and they talk to young people about the choices they make.
  • Street Doctors – Street Doctors are a movement of young healthcare volunteers who train young people with first aid skills to become lifesavers in their communities across the UK.
  • State Red Solutions – a group that have 40 years of law enforcement (counter terrorism and Firearms) and military experience that train young people how to keep themselves safe using situational awareness.
  • Martin Pattison – a local self-defence instructor who works with young people on how to avoid conflict but also how to handle conflict safely.

Dr Frame said: ‘We are grateful to all the organisations that came in to help educate our students about the ever-growing threat of knife and gang crime.  It was extremely powerful for them to hear directly from families whose lives have been devastated by knife and gang crime.  Our students learnt about becoming aware of potentially dangerous situations and developed self-defence and first aid skills to help keep themselves and others safe.  We appreciated the support shown by Iain Stewart, MP and Milton Keynes City Council for our event.’