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We expect students in the Sixth Form to recognise that excellent attendance is essential to maximise their academic potential.  Consistent and punctual attendance are qualities highly valued by employers and references often ask for comments regarding a student’s attendance and punctuality record.  Concerns regarding a student’s attendance and punctuality are dealt with according to our tiered Attendance intervention levels system.

Students are expected to attend school every day.  Excellent attendance supports learning, enabling students to follow sequences of lessons and access support from their teachers. Students will also have time to practise the skills their teacher wants them to learn.  Where students fall into the habit of irregular attendance, their work will suffer.

We understand that sometimes there are barriers and challenges outside of school, but we expect students to make their attendance at school a priority.  Students should only take time off if they are too unwell to attend if there is a major family emergency or a bereavement; reasons for absence such as; minding the house, looking after younger sisters or brothers and driving lessons are not acceptable. 

Punctuality is equally important to success.  By not attending at the start of lessons, students will miss important parts of the curriculum and put themselves at a disadvantage.  Punctuality is an important quality, which all students should cultivate as it is an essential component of being successful in the workplace environment.

Reporting Sixth Form Student Absence

For Sixth Form absence please contact our Sixth Form Attendance Administrator: Email: Telephone: 01908  330506

When reporting student absence, parents/carers should provide student’s name, their name, and nature of absence (including detail of absence and when you expect them to return).