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Mental Health Support

Denbigh School Sixth Form operates an open door policy for students to discuss challenges and difficulties that they are facing.  Students are encouraged to talk with their mentors or Heads of Year regularly.  Staff have the experience to appreciate that there are aspects of mental health support that require professional assistance.

The Sixth Form mentoring programme recognises that there are times during the academic year when mental health pressures may become more intense and we aim to equip the students with some resilience at these key times through this programme.

We also have a range of external agencies that we are able to direct students towards in order to provide more specialist support when necessary.  Denbigh Sixth Form has access to the School Councillor, who is able to work with students who are finding that they need additional support with their mental health.  

Where young people require urgent support for a mental health crisis or emergency, students/parents/carers should get immediate expert advice and assessment through Milton Keynes Hospital and/or GP services.  If you feel that your child requires additional mental health support in school, please contact their mentor or Head of Year to discuss concerns.  


Kooth is a free and anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service available to every young person between 11 and 19 living in Milton Keynes.  For further information, please access their website


Milton Keynes Specialist CAMHS provides support to children and young people up to the age of 18, their parents/carers and their families who are residents of Milton Keynes and registered with a Milton Keynes GP and are causing a high level of concern to adults around them due to a significant change in the child/young person’s mood and/or behaviour.

CAMHS offers a telephone referral service open to professionals and young people whether known to the service or not. The referral line is available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on 01908 725372.

Milton Keynes Council has published information regarding well-being and local mental health services, including online resources as part of the SEND Local Offer.  This information can be accessed here: