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Activities Days are back with a bang!

It was brilliant to welcome back our Activities Days programme for Year 7 to 10 students after a two-year absence because of the Pandemic.  

Over 1000 students came off timetable to take part in 22 trips and 16 in-school activities.  Students had the chance to develop their skills in skiing, snowboarding, cycling, karting, wakeboarding, paint balling and footgolf to name but a few.  There were also visits to Harry Potter World, Alton Towers, Thorpe Park, the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Whipsnade Zoo.

In-school students took part in activities including sport, upcycling, cooking, scrapbooking, watercolour painting, dance and jewellery making.     

Mrs Brown, Assistant Headteacher who led the team who put the Programme together said:  ‘It was a wonderful two days for all students and staff.  We have not been able to hold Activities Days for the last two years, so for most students this was their first experience of the Programme, which is one of the highlights of our school year.  The weather was kind to us, and everyone had a great two days, both in and out of school.   I would like to thank all the staff involved.   It takes a huge amount of time to put together and supervise this programme, but it is a fantastic reward for our students who work so hard throughout the year.’