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Ban on mobile phones in-school from September

It has been announced today that there will be a change to the School’s Behaviour Policy meaning that mobile phones and headphones will be banned at Denbigh School from September 2022 onwards. Students and parents have been notified of the change today.

Dr Frame, Head of School said: ‘We have come to this decision due a marked increase in the number of mental health and wellbeing incidents, a rise in incidences of students becoming distracted from their learning, and the potential impact that this distraction may have on academic achievement. All students at Denbigh School received an assembly this morning outlining the changes and a copy of the presentation is set out below. Whilst we recognise that some students may want to bring a mobile phone with them to school each day so that they can contact parents before or after school if necessary, these must remain switched off and be stored in bags or lockers during the school day.’