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House Ethos

Current House Points Standings – March 2025

We have a strong House ethos with all students and staff becoming a member of one of our five houses which are named after famous scientists and engineers – Brunel, Curie, Darwin, Newton and Stephenson.  Each House has its own Leadership Team, comprising a Staff House Champion and a Student House and Vice President, who work together with the House Councils to promote House ethos in-school. Elections to the House Councils take place during the Autumn term and candidates send a manifesto to their Staff House Champion. The House Councils meet weekly to give students a voice within school and to provide opportunities for inter-house events and competitions.  There are many different House activities including sporting events, Scavenger Hunts, Bake offs, a talent show and a Spelling Bee in which students can represent their House with pride.

At the end of the year, the House with the most points wins the House Cup, decorated with House coloured ribbons. In 2023 – 2024, Stephenson won the House Cup after a fantastic year of competitions, challenges, issuing of achievement points and kindness cards.

The House system also drives our charity fundraising activities, with the Houses nominating a school wide charity to raise funds for.  This year we are working in partnership with Samuel’s Charity.

Brunel House

Named after engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, whose groundbreaking rail and bridge designs are famous across the world, including the Great Western Railway, the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the Royal Albert Bridge. Brunel’s House colours are green and their House Mascot is a Bear.

Leadership Team of Miss Pickard, Rachel Poku and Harshita Gudupati

Curie House

Named after scientist Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for her research into radioactivity and the first scientist to win a Nobel Prize in two disciplines – Physics and Chemistry. Curie’s House colours are red and their House Mascot is a Capybara.

Leadership Team of Mrs Rigby, Alfie Glassett and Andrea Gbenartey

Darwin House

Named after Scientist Charles Darwin who developed the theory of evolution as the explanation for how our world has developed. Darwin’s House colours are yellow and their House Mascot is a duck.

Leadership Team of Mrs Bedford, Penelope Rose and Trinity Fulton

Newton House

Named after Scientist and Mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton who developed the universal law of gravity. Their House colours are blue and their House Mascot is a Newt.

Leadership Team of Miss Herring, Darcy Williams and Ilia Grigoriadis

Stephenson House

Named after Engineer Robert Stephenson, who revolutionised locomotive design and developed his steam locomotive, the Rocket. Stephenson’s House colours are purple and their House Mascot is a seal.

Leadership Team of Mr Campbell, Niya Sharma and Gabriel Moses

Working in Partnership with Samuel’s Charity

We are working in partnership with our chosen charity for the 2024 – 2025 academic year, Samuel’s Charity. From our biggest fundraiser, the Christmas Bazaar through to Bake sales and selling Valentines treats, we are raising funds for this wonderful charity who support seriously ill children and their families. You can read more about the work of Samuel’s Charity at Home – Samuel’s Charity

Inter House Competitions

Here are some images of our students and staff representing their Houses with pride in the many Inter House Events and Competitions that take place throughout the year.