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Our School Values

School Ethos

At Denbigh School, we have simple key values that everyone should remember and aim to show at all times.

  • We are engaged
  • We are kind and respectful
  • We do no harm

We will use our key values when speaking to students about our expectations in school. Positive relationships are important at Denbigh School and we should always be aware of how our choices can affect us and those around us. Students will receive rewards and praise for making positive choices and helping create a strong school community.

We are engaged

  • We are punctual to all lessons, ensuring we are ready to learn at the start of all lessons.
  • We have the correct equipment.
  • We have a positive attitude towards learning; are ready to ask and answer questions, challenge ourselves and take some risks with our learning.
  • We work effectively and creatively with others.
  • We remove all distractions including mobile phones.
  • We wear the school uniform correctly and with pride.
  • We show pride in the quality and presentation of our work.

We are kind and respectful

  • We approach all others in the school community with kindness and respect at all times.
  • We show that we are considerate of the needs of others, allowing everyone to learn and contribute.
  • We actively listen and engage with the contributions of staff and other students.
  • We establish and maintain positive relationships with everyone in the school community.
  • We follow the instructions that we have been given.

We do no harm

  • We do nothing that would cause physical or mental harm to another person or living thing.
  • We act in a safe and sensible manner in all areas of the school.
  • We move around the school calmly using all the designated one-way systems, exits and entrances.
  • We consider the impact of our choices and behaviour on ourselves and others.
  • We use any communication platforms, including Social Media, positively and responsibly.
  • We take care of our property and do not mistreat property belonging to others.
  • We take care of the school environment and property.