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Making the most of each year

Year 8 Curriculum Evening and Options Process

We are grateful to all parents who came along to our Year 8 Curriculum Evening where we shared information on the Year 8 options process. The presentation from the evening can be accessed below. We are aware that there were some issues in terms of logging onto the SIMS online platform but these are being resolved.

To recap, students will have received an invite to register on the platform through their school email.  They should click on the link to register. This will take them to a log in screen and they should then click to log in using the Microsoft login.

The deadline for students to submit their choices has been extended until Tuesday 26th March. It is important to note that subjects are NOT allocated on a first come, first served basis. We wait until we have received all students’ option choices before starting the process of allocating students to subjects after the Easter holidays.

Please also note the following information:

  1. The vocational courses on offer are Cambridge National Level 2 courses and are all equivalent to GCSE. These are: Sports Studies, Child Development and IT.
  2. There will be three groups for Sociology (this is why it appears three times in the blocking pattern).
  3. Parents do not need to authorise or sign off students’ choices online (this box is disabled), however we do urge you to supervise your child when they complete their choices to ensure it is done correctly.

Pathway Evenings

We want all our students to make the most of each year they are with us. To help students we have an extensive support network focused on pastoral care, academic progress and House ethos. We give as much information as we can to students and parents throughout the year. At the start of the academic year we hold a Pathway Evening for each year group with information for parents and students about how to make the most of the forthcoming year.

Year 7 Pathway Evening

These are two of the presentations from this year’s Year 7 Pathway Evening focused on making the most of Year 7 and the use of Technology in Year 7.

Year 10 Pathway Evening

These are two of the presentations from this year’s Year 10 Pathway Evening focused on making the most of Year 10 and a providing a guide to the Year 10 curriculum.

Pastoral and Progress Support

When students start at Denbigh School in Year 7 they are placed in a Tutor Group with other students in Year 7 who are in their House.  Students will stay in a Tutor group with other students in their year group from Year 7 to 11. Where possible, they remain with the same Tutor throughout this time. 

Students have two Heads of Year, one to support them with their pastoral needs and another to support them with progress at school.  Heads of Year can be found in the Student Support Centre.  Heads of Years stay with their year groups as they move through the school. 

The Tutor will be the main contact for students and their families in-school and can most easily be contacted via email. Tutors see students every morning at 8:30am for Tutorial sessions.

Heads of Year

Year 7

Pastoral Head of Year: Mr Ozgul –
Progress Head of Year: Miss Ali –

Year 8

Pastoral Head of Year: Miss South –
Progress Head of Year: Miss Harris –

Year 9

Pastoral Head of Year: Mr Hairsine –
Progress Head of Year: Miss Kewney –

Year 10

Pastoral Head of Year: Miss Roche
Progress Head of Year: Mr Edun –

Year 11

Pastoral Head of Year: Mrs Wiltshire –
Progress Head of Year: Mr Bennett

House Ethos






We have a strong House ethos with all students and staff becoming a member of one of our five houses which are named after famous scientists and engineers – Brunel, Curie, Darwin, Newton and Stephenson.  Each House has its own House Council which meets weekly and collaborates closely with the School Council to give students a voice within school. Our staff House Champions work closely with the House Councils and student House President Leadership teams to provide opportunities for inter-house events and competitions when students and staff represent their House with pride.  There are many different activities that include sports events, quizzes, challenges and music and talent shows that students are able to get involved with.  At the end of the year, the House with the most points wins the House Cup, decorated with House coloured ribbons. The House system also drives our charity fundraising activities, with each House nominating its own charity to raise funds for.  Elections to the House Councils take place during the Autumn term and candidates send a manifesto to their staff House Champion.

Staff House Champions

Brunel – Miss Pickard

Curie – Miss Rigby

Darwin – Miss Whitehouse

Newton – Mrs Bedford

Stephenson – Mr Campbell

Spelling Bee House Competition

Our first student House Competition this year was a keenly contested Spelling Bee which was won by Brunel House. Newton House were the winners of the recently held Inter House Scavenger Hunt Challenge for staff.