Christmas Bake Off House Competition launched

Our House Champions have teamed up with the Design Technology Faculty to launch our Great British Christmas Bake Off House Competition. The Competition is in two parts to allow as many students as possible to get involved.
We have a Showstopper Challenge that students can compete in from home. They should bake their Christmas Showstopper and submit pictures of the final creation along with the recipe and details about how they made it to Mrs Spittle, by Wednesday 13th December. Entries should be labelled ‘Bake Off Entry’.
We will then have a Technical Challenge Competition after school on Wednesday 13th December when House Teams will compete to make the best Christmas Yule Log or Reindeer cookies. The School is providing the ingredients and recipes. If students want to represent their House in the Technical Challenge, they should let their House Champion know by 6th December.
We can’t wait to see what festive treats are created and which House is crowned star baker!