Christmas Bazaar raises £5,500

Students and staff are in the Christmas spirit following a wonderful Christmas Bazaar which saw the Street packed with students, families and members of the local community. The Bazaar is our largest and most popular fund-raising event of the year, and our students did not let us down. They created and ran with their tutors and House Champions, 48 stalls with games and prizes for all. The stalls included the ‘Santa Pong Challenge’, ‘Chimney Chaos’, ‘Reindeer Hoopla’ and ‘Santa Catch and Candy Cane Delivery’ to name but a few. There were books and crafts on sale from the Library, refreshments, a tombola and a raffle as well.
We raised a massive £5,500 which will go to the Denbigh Association who support the school so brilliantly and our chosen House charities. Newton House won the prize for raising the most money on the night and the tutor group that took the most money was 10LP.
Mrs Martin, Assistant Headteacher who led the event said: ‘Our students and staff created a real festive atmosphere with their creative and fun stalls. We are very grateful to parents and friends and the wider local community who came along to help us to raise money to support the school and our chosen house charities. We were delighted that the Mayor and Mayoress of Milton Keynes attended along with local Councillors helping to make this a special local community event’.