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DEAR week gets everyone reading

It’s DEAR week at Denbigh and we are encouraging everyone to ‘Drop Everything And Read’.  Reading for pleasure is so important.  We believe that reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body, so we have asked all Year 7 and 8 students to bring a book to school with them this week which they can read in DEAR sessions.   Teachers are asking students to have their book out on their desk at the start of every lesson and at a set time during the day they will ask students to ‘Drop Everything and Read’ for 15 minutes.  There will be an opportunity after to discuss what they have read.  Any student who does not have a book can get one from the English office.  Staff are involved and have been discussing what they are currently reading with students.  They have a reading sign on their office door to show which book they have on the go. 

We hope that DEAR week will create fun and excitement and encourage students to keep on reading for pleasure!