Denbigh’s LGBTQ+ Ambassador makes an impact
Miss Ford has had a fantastic start to her new role as Denbigh’s LGBTQ+ Ambassador. She has set up a LGBTQ+ Awareness Group through which students can come together to discuss issues relating to identity and sexuality. Students have responded well to the Group which this week was discussing LGBTQ+ representation in film, TV and books.
Miss Ford has also sent a questionnaire to all students asking them about LGBTQ+ language and whether they hear homophobic language in school. She has had a huge response, with 400 replies received so far. She will use the feedback from this survey to help her promote a positive, inclusive culture in-school and to raise awareness when needed.
Miss Ford has also spoken to staff about her new role and sent out a questionnaire to try and identify any gaps in their knowledge and confidence relating to LGBTQ+ issues.