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Complementary Curriculum

We aim to provide our students with the knowledge, skills and qualities to become successful and fulfilled adults and our complementary curriculum provides additional opportunities to develop our young people as they progress through the school.  The complementary curriculum sits alongside our faculty-based curriculum and is a significant focus of our Tutorial and Head of Year systems.

We recognise that students require focused and meaningful support to ensure that they are ready to excel when faced with challenges and significant milestones in their educational careers, such as GCSEs and A-Level exams.

Our students are supported to develop an awareness of, and demonstrate, our school values of ‘be engaged, be kind and respectful and do no harm’.   

We have the highest expectation of our students and learners.  Throughout their time at Denbigh School, students are encouraged to reflect on their attitude to learning. 

Our Attitude to Learning is focused on the 5 P’s:

  • Prepared
  • Punctual
  • Pay Attention
  • Participate
  • Pride

Our Progress Reports reflect an ‘Attitude to Learning’ grade for every student in each of their subjects.

PSHEE and Citizenship

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) and SRE is taught across the Curriculum, supplemented by a programme of special events as well as activities in Tutorial lessons.  Throughout their time at Denbigh, students set themselves targets, assess their personal and social development and plan their futures.   Citizenship is taught as a discrete subject to Year 9 and across the curriculum, including in Tutorial lessons. Enterprise and Active Citizenship opportunities are available to students in every area of School life.  

Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education & British Values Statement

Denbigh is committed to ensuring that British values are fostered in the classroom and beyond.  Consequently, students explore spirituality and whilst doing so develop their knowledge and tolerance of other beliefs.  We help to nurture a clear understanding of right from wrong and highlight the consequences of unlawful actions according to British law, whilst clarifying its differences from religious law.  Moral and ethical dilemmas are frequently discussed and students are encouraged to construct reasoned arguments.  Our students are provided with an array of opportunities to reap the rewards of our richly diverse community – they are taught to celebrate difference, resolve conflict and develop an understanding of other cultures.  Whilst students grow and flourish as individuals they also contribute to the world beyond Denbigh; in doing so they recognise that British citizenship involves making creative and positive contributions to society.  We recognise that it is part of our role to challenge extremist views and safeguard our students against radicalisation and we feel that educating students is a powerful weapon against this; throughout the curriculum, we equip our students with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking to challenge and debate in an informed way. 

Click below to access the Denbigh School British Values Statement: