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Exams Officer: Mr M Rawlinson
Exams Assistant: Mrs H Reading

The Exams Office is responsible for organising and overseeing everything to do with all the exams at Denbigh School, from time-tabling to organising invigilators.

Along with rules and regulations set down by the Government and the Exam Boards, we also expect students to:

  • Wear their Denbigh School Uniform correctly.
  • The JCQ instructions say that candidates must not be in possession of iPods, mobile phones, MP3/4 players or similar devices or watches (of any kind). If students fail to comply with this instruction then the items MUST be switched off and handed in. They will be stored, possibly away from the exam room.
  • Make sure they have the correct equipment for the exam they are sitting.
  • Adhere perfectly to the No Speaking rule and follow ALL instructions precisely.

Exam Timetable

Information for Candidates

Using Calculators

Candidates may use a calculator in an examination unless prohibited by the awarding body’s specification. Where the use of a calculator is allowed, candidates are responsible for making sure that their calculators meet the awarding bodies’ regulations.

The instructions set out in this section apply to all examinations unless stated otherwise in an awarding body’s specification.

Calculators must be:

  • Of a size suitable for use on the desk
  • Either battery or solar-powered
  • Free of lids, cases and covers which have printed instructions or formulas

Calculators must not:

  • Be designed or adapted to offer any of these facilities: –
  • Language translators
  • Symbolic algebra manipulation
  • Symbolic differentiation or integration
  • Communication with other machines or the internet

The candidate is responsible for the following:

  • The calculator’s power supply
  • The calculator’s working condition
  • Be borrowed from another candidate during an examination for any reason
  • Have retrievable information stored in them – this includes:
  • databanks
  • dictionaries
  • mathematical formulas
  • text

Exam Board Links