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Homework is an integral part of learning, and it is important for consolidation, application, creativity, revision and extending in class learning.  We expect all students to engage with all the learning tasks that are set and to go beyond this e.g. by watching the news, completing wider reading.   

Homework is set and submitted via Microsoft Teams.  Teachers will track and monitor who has completed work.  Homework may incorporate independent learning resources e.g. Educake, My Maths, SENECA.

Homework Guidelines

Year 7 & 8

  • Homework is compulsory for all students in all subjects except Core PE.
  • Homework is set in proportion to the number of hours the students study that subject during each week.
  • Subjects with 1 hour of lessons per week will set a minimum of 1 ½ hours of homework per half term.
  • Subjects with 2 hours of lessons per week will be set a minimum of 2 hours homework per half term.
  • Subjects with 3 hours of lessons per week will be set a minimum of 3 hours homework per half term.

Year 9-11

  • Homework is compulsory for all students in all subjects except Core PE and Citizenship.
  • Homework will be set frequently.
  • Homework may not be set for 2 weeks per half term.
  • Each piece of homework set should take a minimum of 45 minutes to complete.

Year 12 & 13

  • Homework is compulsory for all students in all subjects except enrichment.
  • Homework will be set weekly.
  • Students will receive a minimum of two hours homework per week from each subject.
  • Students are expected to also complete their own wider reading for each subject they take.

For more information regarding homework please see the file below to access Denbigh School’s ‘Assessment, Marking and Homework Policy’.