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Engineering Development Trust Graduation Ceremony

Our Engineering Development Trust graduates who won Gold Awards under the EDT Industrial Cadet Scheme have attended their Graduation and Awards Day.   The EDT Scheme engages students in real life engineering projects in liaison with local engineering companies.   Our students – Luke Blackhurst, George Mott, Danish Raja and Karthikan Ralendram have been working on their engineering project alongside two designers from Niftylift (one of whom is an ex-student and a previous participant in this scheme) since last October.  To graduate the students had to submit a written report and give a presentation in front of a panel of engineers.

At the Graduation Ceremony the students were nominated for the Teamwork Award based on their organisation of the tasks throughout the project and the seamless flow and interaction they demonstrated during their presentations.  The other teams at the Graduation Ceremony also voted them best presentation and team on the day.

Mr Stott, who has been working with the students said: ‘These students are to be commended on their enthusiasm and work ethic as much of the work they did was completed on their own time.  It has been a pleasure to work alongside these students and to see them work with such a high degree of independence throughout the project.  This is a reflection of the work the Sixth Form team have been doing with Year 12 students to create independent thinkers and encourage self-reliance.’