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Fossils used to explain Climate Change

Jess McCoy, a PhD student and STEM Ambassador from Northumbria University explained palynology which uses fossils to study past environments. Jess showed how this can help us understand climate change.

This fascinating talk was the latest in a series of seven on-line lectures in the 2022 STEM Lecture Programme, led by top academics and STEM ambassadors from across the country. Following the success of last year’s first ever on-line programme we are using this format again for 2022. This allows us to keep people safe and to reach even more people than we did previously with the in-person lectures. Everyone can watch the video link at a time that suits them. You can access the video link of Jess’s lecture on the School’s website and by scanning the QR code.

The final talk of the 2022 Programme will be by Wanda Simpson, a STEM Ambassador and Principal Engineer at Amey, who will focus on rail engineering. This will be available to view from 2nd March