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House Councils lead Woodland Trust tree planting  

Our Staff House Champions accompanied students from our five House Councils to Loughton and Great Holm to plant trees provided by the Woodland Trust for our local area.   It was a fantastic trip and the students planted 30 trees including Crab and Rowan varieties.  The trip was organised by Judy Heinemann who was a teacher at Denbigh for many years until retirement and who now works with Loughton Parish Council and the Loughton Residents Association.   Councillor Zoe Nolan was also part of the trip and spoke to the students about the importance of biodiversity.   Mrs Heinemann is putting in a bid for some more trees from the Woodland Trust to enable more students to be involved in the local community this way.  The House Council members who took part were:

Anjolaoluwa Adebiyi, Yosser Ahmed, Narmada Ambekar, Chimdalu Anozie, Ugochi Anozie

Apiran  Arulnesan, Francesca Barry, Eni Bolarinwa, Kadee Deathe, Rohan Deshpande

Eshan Ahmed Gorsi, Yaazhisai Gunasekaran, Alesha Robinson, Gabriel Rowcroft-James

Areesh  Saqib, Benjamin Smith, Samara Sohal, Shreya Varma, Aarathana Vijayakumar

Akshaja Vijayakumar, Lucas Worswick, Athena Yiu