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‘Ordinary People’ presentation from Holocaust Memorial Day Trust

In the lead up to the 2023 International Holocaust Memorial Day we welcomed Paul Salver from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to talk to our Year 9 Citizenship students.   Paul was accompanied by Edina Crnkic who is a child survivor of genocide in the 1990s Balkans war and who shared some of her personal experiences.  MK Mayor, Amanda Marlow also joined us for the presentation.

The theme of the 2023 Holocaust Memorial Day is ‘Ordinary People’ and the presentation focused on this.  Our students were reminded that genocide is facilitated by ordinary people, that ordinary people turn a blind eye and that genocide victims are just ordinary people, persecuted because they belong to a particular ethnic or religious group.

Mrs Obeata, Head of the Social Sciences Faculty said: ‘We are very grateful to Paul and Edina for joining us in-school to raise awareness within our student community of the horrors of the Holocaust and genocide around the world.  The presentation painted a vivid picture for our Year 9 students, and it was particularly moving to hear from Edina who is herself a child survivor of genocide. Her first-hand account of what happened really illustrated to the students the realities of genocide’.