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Denbigh School has a proven track record of enabling students to gain access to some of the best Universities in the world. Every year, approximately 25% of our students gain access to Russell Group Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. In 2023, 84% of our students gained a place at a University of their first or second choice.

The UCAS process starts in earnest in July of Year 12, although we provide information and advice about University open days and summer schools throughout the year. UCAS Day involves a timetabled day of workshops and guidance about the whole process, including personal statements and choosing the right course and/or university. We use testimonies, both video and written, from former students and from contacts in the world of work to talk about their UCAS journey. Students are encouraged to use the summer holidays to do further research, start their personal statements and formalise their choices.

Medics and Oxbridge candidates will apply in October and we will co-ordinate interview support and advisory sessions for all students who are called for interview. All applications are made before January of Year 13 to ensure equal consideration for places. 

Mentors will also provide continuous assistance as the decisions have to be made and the Heads of Year provide support right up to results day and beyond, if Clearing advice is needed.


Oxbridge and Medics/Vets