Denbigh Alliance Multi Academy Trust logo


Contact Information  
Mrs L Chrisman (Geography)- Mrs H HumphrisClements (History)-
Ms L Conway (History) – Miss L Dale (Geography) –
Mrs C Griffiths (Geography)- Miss C Soricelli (History) –
Mr P Myers (Geography) – Mrs R Martin (History) –
Mrs L Oscroft (Geography) – Mrs H Rowe (Humanities) –
Mrs S Smith (Philosophy & Ethics) – Mr J Waters (History) –
Mr T Harrington (Philosophy & Ethics) –

Faculty Introduction

The Humanities Faculty includes the subjects of Geography, History, and Philosophy and Ethics. Due to the level of experience within the Faculty we are able to deliver a diverse, multi-disciplinary curriculum for all our students. Our staff are passionate about giving our young people the best possible start to understanding a range of world views and perspectives across all three disciplines.

The Humanities curriculum aims to build a strong community of enquirers that will encourage our students to feel inspired, to learn beyond the curriculum and never be afraid to ask questions so that they become well-informed citizens of the world. We have a very successful record of students leaving Denbigh to continue their studies in a Humanities subject at universities across the country.

In Geography, students will follow Edexcel A-Level Geography and they will explore both physical and human geography concepts such as tectonic processes, the carbon cycle, globalisation, and migration. In History, students will follow Edexcel A-Level History and develop an understanding of Russia 1917-1991, Mao’s China 1949-1976, the British experience of warfare c1790-1918, and the causes of the Cold War. In Philosophy and Ethics, students will follow OCR A-Level Religious Studies through which they will explore the philosophy of religion, religion and ethics and the developments in Islamic Thought.


As a Faculty we offer an extraordinary extra-curricular programme that takes our students beyond the curriculum. We offer many clubs and trips which give our students rich cultural experiences outside of the classroom.  Our extra-curricular activities include involvement with the Magistrates Court Competition, the Bar Mock Trial Competition, the Holocaust Memorial Ambassadors group, History Club and Philosophy club.

Geography students go to Birmingham, Towcester, Bournemouth and Bletchley to support the completion of their coursework in Year 13. Through the Holocaust Education Trust, History students can become involved in ‘Lesson’s from Auschwitz’, which, if selected gives them the opportunity to visit Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Krakow.

Schemes of Learning

Each faculty has developed a two-year Scheme of Learning for each subject. The Schemes of Learning outline the curriculum journey that students will embark on during each academic year.


Philosophy, Religion and Ethics


Faculty Assessment and Feedback Policy

Please find a copy of the Faculty Assessment and Feedback policy below. Teachers in the faculty subject areas will follow this policy when assessing students learning and providing feedback.