Newton’s Flowerbed judged the best in the Wellbeing Garden

The results from the judging of the Inter House Flowerbed Competition in our new Wellbeing Garden are in with Newton’s raised bed coming out on top. The five flower beds designed in House colours by students on a budget of £80, are a lovely centre piece to our new Wellbeing Garden. The competition was judged by Akhtar Jan, Chair of Governors and Sue Collings, the CEO of the Denbigh Alliance Trust.
The Wellbeing Garden has brought new life to an underused courtyard behind the school building. The project, inspired initially by the School Council and led by Mr Stewart, Assistant Headteacher, has involved students and staff coming together to produce a welcoming and quiet space for all.
The area was cleared and raised beds built which now contain the House flower beds and a bed that will be used by the School’s caterers and the DT Faculty as a vegetable garden. New colourful tables and chairs were installed, and artwork displayed on the walls as a finishing touch. We have received donations of time, money and equipment from the Denbigh Association, Tesco, Sainsburys, Odells of Stony, parents, students and staff which we so grateful for.
Mr Stewart, Assistant Head who led the project said: ‘There are so many people to thank for their contribution including our House Champions, the Site Team, Cucina, local companies, the Denbigh Association and the Art Faculty. The next steps are to continue to maintain and improve the garden, give access to students and staff and to set up a gardening club.’