Sixth Form Open Evening is a Hit

It was wonderful to see so many students and their families at our recent Sixth Form Open Evening. Students from across Milton Keynes joined our Year 11 students to view our excellent Sixth Form facilities and talk to teachers about the aspirations they have for their education post-16.
As always, our current Sixth Formers were keen to show off their school and came back for the evening to act as tour guides and faculty helpers, allowing our visitors to get a first-hand account of student life in the Denbigh Sixth Form.
Mr Gannaway, the Director of Post 16 Education said: ‘Staff and students take great pride in showing off our Sixth Form at our flagship evening. The atmosphere in-school was vibrant and positive, and it was wonderful to see how many students are interested in exploring their Post -16 options with us.’
Click here to access our Open Evening information:
The closing date for Sixth Form applications for September 2023 is Friday 10th March 2023.