Wellbeing Garden is Planted

Curie House was out planting flowers in their part of the Wellbeing Garden which is being cultivated for students and staff to enjoy. The School Council and House Councils are all taking part in developing the garden which will provide a calm and attractive space for students and staff to visit. There is a competition between the Houses to design the best bed with Dr Frame and the Leadership Team forming the judging panel. There will also be a bed for the school kitchen to use as a herb garden.
The Curie students with green fingers are:
Malak Amin, Ayan Arsalan, Musab Bathuruzamaan, Eni Bolarinwa, Charlotte Cottingham, Toby Coulson, Hopii Cunningham, Yaazhisai Gunasekaran, Adam Robinson, Alesha Robinson & Lucas Worswick.