Year 12 students walk the Peak District for DoE Gold Practice

19 Year 12 students headed to the Peak District in Derbyshire for a practice expedition for their Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. The students walked over 30 miles throughout the weekend and spent two nights under canvas. Now that they have successfully completed their practice expedition, they are ready for their qualifying expedition.
Thank you to Miss Pretorius, Mr List and Mr Stott who supported the students on the expedition. The students taking part were:
Pippa Aylmer, Matthew Bonham, Cameron Cresswell, Imogen Culley, Avani Dhumke, William Douglas, Caitlin Gannaway, Issy Gerra, Nojus Heslington, Jemima Hrycak, Rich Mandal, Louis Peckham, Sahra Rae, Wajeeh Sabeel, Dharam Sandhu, Alex Shipley, Sanjay Soneji, Milan Wallis-Patel, Jessica Wood