Students enjoy learning out of the Classroom

The first of our three Enrichment Days when students come off timetable to explore and learn about aspects of life and community beyond the traditional curriculum was a great success with students having fantastic new experiences both in and out of school.
We had six exciting trips that went out with visits to Warwick Castle, Woburn Safari Park, Bletchley Park, Kempston Outdoor Centre, Kew Gardens and the Science Museum.
There were also a range of in-school experiences on offer. Year 7 students tested their entrepreneurial skills in the Junior Apprentice Challenge. Year 10 students focused on life skills and Year 9 students spent the day discussing careers. Year 8 students took part in sessions aimed at increasing their awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
Our Year 11 and Year 13 students, who are preparing for GCSE and A Level examinations in the summer had power days when they could focus on one particular subject in greater depth.
Mr Burgess, Associate Assistant Headteacher who organised the day said: ‘This was a hugely successful and positive day for our students who engaged well with all the activities on offer. It was particularly pleasing to hear from external experts who came into lead the in-school sessions about our students’ excellent behaviour and attitude. I would like to thank our staff who go above and beyond to facilitate such a positive experience for our students. There will be two further enrichment days this year when there will once again be a huge range of opportunities for students to develop their learning outside of the classroom and create wonderful memories.’