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Year 11 students look to the future

Year 11 students spent last Friday experiencing a range of options open to them for Post 16 education in our ‘Futures Day event’. This event is an important opportunity for these students who will take their GCSEs this year, to find out more about paths into A Levels, Apprenticeship schemes and College Education, as well as receiving general careers advice.

Every student had an individual timetable for the day. They were allowed to be out of uniform and had access to all our wonderful Sixth Form facilities, including the Sixth Form Centre and the Pronto Café.
Mr Gannaway, the Director of Post 16 Education said: ‘Futures Day is a fantastic event which allows our Year 11 students to pause from their GCSE preparations to really think about their future and find out what Post 16 education options might suit them. We received some wonderful feedback from teachers regarding the conduct and enthusiasm of the students on the day and we hope that they enjoyed the event and took the opportunity to talk to their parents about their plans for the future when they got home.’