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Year 11s ‘Reach for the Stars’ at Leavers Celebration

Our students celebrated the end of Year 11 at a fun-packed and emotional Leavers Assembly last Friday. The Assembly was the highlight of a day full of celebrations, goodbyes and much shirt signing!

Miss Ali and Mr Hoare as joint Heads of Year 11 led the Assembly which included awards for academic efforts, attitude to learning and those nominated as tutor group stars – all chosen by staff. There was also a range of fun awards voted on by the students themselves including many ‘most likely to….’ awards as well as ‘kindest student’, ‘best bromance’ and ‘cutest couple!’ There were musical performances by students and staff and a surprise video of Denbigh staff singing and dancing to S Club 7’s ‘Reach for the Stars’.

Miss Ali and Mr Hoare said: ‘This was a brilliant celebration which gave students and staff the chance to come together to celebrate the last five years at Denbigh before the GCSE exams begin. We are so proud of this year group, especially in terms of how they have coped with the disruption brought about by the Pandemic. They are the first year group back taking their GCSEs in the exam hall, but we know that they will do themselves and the school proud. We look forward to seeing them flourish in their Sixth Form studies.’