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Year 12 Student talks Planning with RTPI President  

A-Level Geography student, Sanjay Soneji met Susan Bridge, President of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) when she visited MK City Council recently.  Sanjay talked to Ms Bridge about the work experience he and fellow Sixth Former, Caitlin Drury undertook this year at MKC Council’s Planning Department, through the RTPI’s ‘Explore Programme’.  

Feedback from MKC Council’s Director of Planning, Paul Thomas confirmed that Sanjay made an excellent impression with the RTPI visitors and that following the success of this work experience programme, MKC Council want to expand their outreach work with Denbigh students next year to inspire them to consider a career in planning.

Thank you to Mrs Brown and Miss Griffiths for accompanying Sanjay to the meeting.