Every school that is local-authority-maintained must publish specific information on its website to comply with the School Information (England) Regulations (2008). All the relevent statutory requirments for Denbigh School can be located here.
Contact Us
Denbigh School
Burchard Crescent
Shenley Church End
Milton Keynes
General enquiries: headteacher@denbigh.net
Tel: (01908) 505030
Each individual school has its own unique admissions arrangement that determines their needs from an admissions perspective.
Reports are separate to policies and detail specific information surrounding Denbigh Schools performance.
Exam Results
A series of documents that link directly to the education processes at Denbigh School.
These are a set of established expectations for specific behaviours and norms within a Denbigh school. Further policies can be found on the policies page.
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is a grant given by the government to schools in England to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children, whether by income or by family upheaval.
Denbigh School offers career programmes. The career programme is delivered across the school, to all year groups, with different focus according to the age of the student, during tutorial, through faculties, DBT and during events.
Denbigh School is supported by a dedicated team of Governors.
Values and Ethos
Denbigh School are committed to ensuring our values and ethos are reflected in everything we do.
Paper Copies
Should you require any paper copies of any policies, reports and tables you can request these from Miss Pickard, PA to the Headteacher.